Thursday, October 16, 2008

Joe the (not so much a) Plumber

This is funny in many many ways:

"Joe the Plumber" ...

- is not a plumber, at least not a licensed one. He's been practicing illegally.
- is named Sam.
- asked a question about having to pay more taxes that, according to this article, Obama's plan would not require of him. And, he currently owes back taxes.

In short, he's about as qualified for the title applied to him by Senator McCain as "Sarah the Vice President".


avenue girl said...

Does this mean my "Clue" theory doesn't work? I still think Joe the Plumber killed Joe 6-pack with the scalpel on Wall Street, but the rosy lipped pig covered it up on Main Street by getting its friends to bury the hatchet.

Philip said...

Bah dum bum.